Confabi S.r.l. was founded in 1971 in San Rocco al Porto, a small Lombard town closed to the city of Piacenza.

Founded as a children's clothing manufacturer distributed under its own label, since year 2000 Confabi has gradually expanded its production to the women's ready-to-wear which quickly became the company’s core business.

The confirmation of the company's production capacity arrives between 1974 and 1975 when Confabi starts the relationship with an historic Italian Department Store. Confabi becomes one of its main suppliers for many of its private-label lines and the cooperation goes successfully on for nearly thirty years.

Thanks to the excellent reputation achieved, even remaining a family-run business, in the mid-80s the company grows and develops, increasing the third-party manufacturing contracts and acquiring some important clients among the most renowned Italian brands of the period.

The 90s are characterized by production agreements with brands of different stylistic contents and distribution on different market levels.

At the end of the 90s, in conjunction with the general trend of the market that has led many big brands to internalize their production or moving abroad in search of foreign labor, Confabi gradually begins to concentrate its efforts on manufacturing its own brands, exclusively devoting itself to the production of womenwear collection.



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